Breaking Down 2017 Sales By Publisher

I was listening to the CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS podcast this morning and was inspired to break down the 2017 numbers further to get into the differences by publisher. As I said before losses were really across the board for trades. Image, Marvel and DC were each down almost $10,00 in sales each. Dark Horse was only down $3,000.

Trade Paperback Sales by Publisher

For monthly comics, Marvel was down about $12,000, DC only slipped about $2,500 and Image fell by $10,000 and Dark Horse dropped off less than $1,000. Here’s were Marvel failings are most apparent. All the relaunches have just burned out the audience for their monthly comics. The two year fall off for Image monthly comics has also been considerable! DC on the other hand grew significantly with Rebirth and the fall off has minimal for their monthly comics

Comic Sales by Publisher

So what does this portend for 2018? Who knows! But one thing I’d still like to see is publishers reducing the number of monthly titles. At this point, every announcement of a new Marvel just fills me with rage! Even if I really like the creators and the concept is fine. I need more titles that are EXCELLENT! And not just more mediocre comics. We’ve got too many of those already.


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Good Riddance 2017